About Us



I was raised in the big smoke.

Met and fell in love while doing a drug and alcohol training course. I remember sending her a bunch of roses at the time, not knowing she was sick in bed with a cold, but the roses sure cured that cold fast :)

Have five living children and around 12 that deceased in utero.



Just before Jacob was born, my mum's dementia became too advanced for me to look after her.

Mum's sudden starting of incontinence was the final crunching blow.

I paid for a wheel chair taxi to bring mum to us for visits, so that she can still be part of the family in a family setting, but we sure do miss not having her with us.

She was a great support - she would read to them, play with them, buy them ice creams ... our children got scared of her for a while, dementia is a pretty scary thing at times, but now they understand it better their fears have gone and I remind them to see her for the person she was and all the good things she did for them.

It's hard seeing her essentially unable to move, but she can recognise me and, in her own way, she responds.

When we took mum out the front to be prophesied over, we were expecting some sort of promise of healing, this was when the dementia was 'young', instead we got, when she goes to God there will be many that will come to her and say, I'm here because you prayed me into belief.

She died after living 7 years in a nursing home.  It was really sad, but at least she died when I was with her, so she wasn't alone.  A good death in that sense.  A sudden one too.



For me, the prophesy was: There is a strength about you sir that God has put there - this bit stands out the most now; but I'd rather have the healings for my loved ones, rather than the ability to withstand the onslaught.

I have seen miraculous healings and have experienced several first hand.

To give but one example, I was going blind and the eye specialist stated I needed an operation to prevent my retinas tearing away.

It was obvious to me that my eyes were NOT functioning in the expected manner, which is I why I went to him.

At that point in my faith walk, I was at the point where I chose to believe in our Heavenly Father for a healing; with the affirmative also given by my pastor to stand against it, I stood - but most, including those in the congregation believed me crazy for doing so.

Even our closest Christian friend offered to fly me down for the operation and pay all costs, but it wasn't about costs, it was about me and my Heavenly Father.

However the symptoms wouldn't abate, so in desperation I sought out a lady I knew not, but one that had been prophesied over as having the gift of healing. She was found quickly, she agreed to pray and brought along another who believed in the healing our Heavenly Father can bring about through those so anointed.

My eyes were restored, the symptoms went - the next eye specialist I saw could find no evidence of the original problem. Never did go for that operation. I felt God's burning in my eyes.  Both of us had our eyes healed.

Yet, you look at how we have stood for mum, Jacob ( Down Syndrome ) and Hannah (Suffers from Blebbs - spontaneous development of holes in the lungs and other chroic debilitating illnesses) ... You know, we have stood in faith so long, much much longer than the ministry of Jesus on Earth, yet I watch hopelessly as for the most part things get worse. Looking back, it was a big big risk I took with my eyesight.

I don't feel comfortable talking about anything too detailed about the children and the miracles we've seen with them, suffice to say they are doing well for the most part.



Jacob has, by having Down Syndrome, given birth to the www.cdadc.com website and I have learned much as a result of Jacob being amongst us. I think he has much more to teach us. The lesson, however, is not worth the price he has to pay for it.



As to our web sites, as a psychologist with a crisis intervention back ground, this does show in several of the web sites which are designed to meet the needs of people in crisis at a more personal level than the majority of web sites do.

Whereas, many web sites are funded by their respective charity organization, professional body, or government instrumentality, we fund ours out of our own pocket.

By using advertising on our sites, the service is delivered free and has allowed us to expand our web sites in both size and number.

Our latest projection indicates that we now provide help to around half a million people a year. We are doing an awful lot with very little income, last month we made a loss, but our pensions keep us going.

2007 saw a the death of my mother, just a few weeks before her birthday. We also found that ads were no longer a good source of income for the sites, revenues dropped markedly, so we signed up with affiliate programs that offer good products. I hated doing this though, as I felt it a waste of my time and effort to promote products, when all I wanted to do was provide helpful information.

2008 and we are now helping an estimated 5,500 people a day, over 2 million people a year! Hired a writer, Loni Ice, to research and write articles, as family matters became more overwhelming. Loni is quite different to us, in that she follows a very different religion, and has a pharmaceutical background. If you walk into the chemist for information on your problem, Loni is the trained person who would provide it to you. So her medical background and knowledge has been a real asset.

Donny has chugged off to university, and is doing honors level work and performing years above his level in most subjects - he's first year doing better than 4th years. We miss him not being at home anymore, but his course meant he had to go to the big city.

The websites are still family based, and I recently acquired a new one on hyperhidrosis, as several of my kids have this genetic condition. I often use websites to research areas that interest me, and then provide them free to the public.

The recession hit real hard, and for a while things were looking pretty bleak.

2009 and we are now helping around 8,500 people a day - that's 3.1 million people a year. Loni, regrettably, is only able to research and produce the odd article here and there - but, as always, they are informative. Loni has always followed my simple direction, that irrespective of what I may sell, her research must always be truthful and unbiased. It will be a sad day if Loni ever stops writing for us.


Donald, Donny, Christopher, Jonathan, Hannah & Jacob


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